
Proposal for Amendment in Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) Act 1992

Government of India
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
Proposal for Amendment in Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) Act 1992

The Rehabilitation Council was set up through an Act of Parliament namely  Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992. The Council is responsible for regulating and  monitoring the training of rehabilitation professionals and personnel, promoting research in  rehabilitation and special education, maintenance of a Central Rehabilitation Register, promotion  of research in rehabilitation and special education and for matters connected therewith or  incidental thereto.
The need for amendment to the said Act has arisen in view of developments in the  rehabilitation and the education sector in the intervening years from 1992 onwards. These  include enactment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 under which the scope  and coverage of disabilities has been broadened. Consequently, this impacts the education of  rehabilitation professionals and hence there is a requirement to align Rehabilitation Council of  India Act with the RPwD Act, 2016. Further, in view of introduction of the National Education  Policy, several changes would be warranted in existing programme and course objectives,  deliverables, curriculum, design, content, pedagogy, duration, evaluation criteria etc. A need has  also arisen to benchmark all programmes and courses with those being conducted at the national  and international levels to ensure quality in rehabilitation education and to bridge the gap in  quality rehabilitation care human resource.
Keeping the aforesaid in view, the Department of Empowerment of Persons with  Disabilities has prepared the draft amendment to RCI Act, 1992. The proposed amendments vis à-vis existing provisions of the RCI Act are at Annexure-I. The Department hereby invites the  comments of all the stakeholders including State Governments/UT Administrations, Civil  Society/Non-Government Organisations, Academicians, Public and Private Sector organizations,  Multilateral Institutions and members of the public to submit their comments on proposed  amendments as indicated in Annexure-I within a period of 21 days.
Stakeholders may submit their suggestions by mail at kvs.rao13@nic.in latest by 23rd December 2020.
Proposed Amendments in RCI Act
The Act with Amendments 2000
Proposed Amendments
An Act to provide for the constitution  of the Rehabilitation Council of India  for regulating the training of  rehabilitation professionals and  monitoring the training of  rehabilitation professionals and  personnel, promoting research in  rehabilitation and special education  and the maintenance of a Central  Rehabilitation Register and for matters  connected therewith or incidental  thereto.
An Act to provide for the constitution of the Rehabilitation Council of India to  provide for accessible, quality and  affordable habilitation and  rehabilitation education; to regulate  the conduct of such education; to  meet the demand of high quality  professionals and personnel in all  parts of the country; to encourage  professionals to adopt latest research  in their work and contribute to  research; to maintain and enforce  high ethical standards in services  provided by professionals and  personnel; and for matters connected  therewith or incidental thereto in line  with the provisions of Rights of  Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (49  of 2016).
1. (1) This Act may  
be called the Rehabilitation  Council of India Act 1992.
(2) It shall come into force on  such date as the Central Government  may, by notification in the Official  Gazette appoint.
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2. (1) In this Act, unless the context  otherwise requires:
(a) ―Chairperson‖ means the  Chairperson of the Council appointed  under sub-section (3) of section 3
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(aa) “Bachelor’s” means a course of  study after completion of Class 12, or  Diploma with 60-66 credits, leading to  the award of a bachelor’s degree  requiring receipt of 120-130 credits, or  60-66 credits, respectively.
(ab) “Certificate” means a course of

(b) ―Council‖ means Rehabilitation  Council of India constituted under  section 3;
study after completion of Class 10  leading to the award of a certificate  requiring up to one year of study.
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(ba) “Course” means a unit of teaching  lasting one term that could lead to  receipt of credit(s).
(bb) “Credit” means the weight  assigned to a course depending on the  number of contact hours spent in class  per week in a term, also known as a  term credit hour (TCH), corresponding  to one contact hour in class per week  or a minimum of sixteen hours in class  in a term; or two to three contact  hours in laboratory or field work per  week or thirty two –forty eight hours  in laboratory or field work in a term.
(bc) “Diploma” means a course of  study after completion of Class 12  leading to the award of a diploma  requiring two years or 60-66 credits,  respectively.
(bd) “Doctor of Philosophy” means a  course of study and research leading  to the award of Doctor of Philosophy  degree after acquiring Master’s degree  or Master of Philosophy degree,  requiring receipt of 120-130 credits or  90-96 credits, respectively, including  sixty credits for dissertation.
(be) “Grade” means evaluation of  performance for participating in a  course represented by a letter of the  English alphabet, corresponding to a  grade point average.
(c) “Habilitation” means a process

(c) ―handicapped‖ means a person  suffering from any disability referred  to in clause (i) of section 2 of the  Persons With Disabilities (Equal  Opportunities, Protection of Rights  and Full Participation) Act 1995.
aimed at helping persons born with  disabilities attain, keep, or improve  skills and functioning for daily living.
(d) Omitted
(e) Omitted
(f) ―member‖ means a member  appointed under sub-section (3) of  section 3 and includes the  Chairperson
(g) ―Member Secretary‖ means the  Member Secretary appointed under  sub-section (1) of section 8.
(h) ―Mental Retardation‖ means a  condition of arrested or incomplete  development of mind of a person  which is specially characterized by  sub-normality of intelligence.
d) No change
e) No change
(ca) “Master’s” means a course of  study after acquiring Bachelor’s degree  or Post Graduate Diploma in any  recognised qualification leading to the  award of a Master’s degree requiring  receipt of 60-66 credits or 30 - 33  credits, respectively, including twelve  credits for dissertation.
(cb) “Master of Philosophy” means a  course of study after acquiring  Master’s degree in any recognised  qualification leading to the award of a  Master of Philosophy degree requiring  receipt of 30-33 credits, including  twelve credits for dissertation.
(f) “member” means a member  appointed under sub-section (3) of  section 3 and does not include the  Chairperson.
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(ga) “person with disability” as defined  under clause (s) of Section 2 from  amongst specified disabilities as  defined under clause (zc) of Section 2  of the Rights of Persons with  Disabilities Act, 2016 (49 of 2016).

(i) ―Notification‖ means a notification  published in the Official gazette
(gb) “Post Graduate Diploma” means a  course of study after acquiring  Bachelor’s degree leading to the award  of a Post Graduate Diploma requiring  receipt of upto 60-66 credits.
(gc) “Programme” means courses of  study leading to the award of degree of  Doctor of Philosophy or Master of  Philosophy or Master’s or Bachelor’s,  or award of Post Graduate Diploma or  Diploma or Certificate.
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(j) ―prescribed‖ means prescribed by  regulations  
(k)“recognized rehabilitation  qualifications‖ means any of the  qualifications included in the  Schedule;
(l) ―Register‖ means the Central  Rehabilitation Register maintained  under sub-section (1) of section 23.
(m) “regulations‖ means regulations  made under this Act.
(ma) ―Rehabilitation‖ refers to a  process aimed at enabling persons  with disabilities to reach and maintain  their optimum physical, sensory,  intellectual, psychiatric or social  functional levels
(j) “prescribed’ means prescribed by  rule.
(k) “recognized qualification” means  any qualification included in the List  under sub-section (1) of Section 11 of  the Act.
(l) ―Registers” means the Registers  maintained for professionals and  personnel under sub-section (1) of  Section 23.
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(ma) “Rehabilitation” as defined under  clause (za) of Section 2 of the Rights of  Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (49  of 2016).

(n) “rehabilitation professionals‖  means
i. Clinical Psychologists
ii. Hearing aid and ear mould  technicians
iii. Audiologists and speech  therapists
iv. Rehabilitation engineers and  technicians
v. Special teachers for educating  and training the handicapped
vi. Vocational counselors,  employment officers and  placement officers dealing with  handicapped
vii. Multi-purpose rehabilitation  therapists, technicians or
viii. Speech pathologists.
ix. Rehabilitation psychologists x. Rehabilitation social workers. xi. Rehabilitation practitioners in  Mental Retardation.
xii. Orientation and mobility  specialists.
xiii. Community based rehabilitation  professionals
xiv. Rehabilitation counselors /  Administrators
xv. Prosthetics and orthotics. xvi. Rehabilitation workshop  managers.
(n) “professional” means professional  included in Schedule I.
(o) “personnel” means personnel  included in Schedule II.

(p) “term” means a half-year academic  term of a minimum of ninety contact  days of lecture, laboratory and/or  fieldwork, leading to receipt of a  maximum of 21 credits.
1(A) Words and expressions used and  not defined in this Act but defined in  the Persons with Disabilities (Equal  Opportunities, Protection of Rights  and full participation) Act, 1995 shall  have the meanings respectively  assigned to them in that Act.
Words and expressions used and not  defined in this Act but defined in the  Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act,  2016 (49 of 2016) or any other Act for  the time being in force shall have the  meanings respectively assigned to  them in that Act.
2.(2) Any reference in this Act to any No change

enactment or any provision thereof  shall, in relation to an area in which  such enactment or such provision is  not in force, be construed as a  reference to the corresponding law  or the relevant provision of the  corresponding law, if any, in force in  that area.

3. (1) With effect from such date as  the Central Govt. may, by  notification, appoint in this behalf,  there shall be constituted for the  purposes of this Act a Council to be  called the Rehabilitation Council of  India
(2) The Council shall be a body  corporate by the name aforesaid  having perpetual succession and a  common seal, with power subject to  the provisions of this Act, to acquire  hold and dispose of property, both  movable and immovable, and to  contract and shall by the said name  sue and be sued.
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3A(1) The Council shall:
(a) assess demand of professionals and  personnel and develop a roadmap  for meeting such demand;
(b) map programmes and courses in  habilitation and rehabilitation being  conducted at the national and  international levels and prescribe  benchmark standards for the same;
(c) formulate programme and course  objectives, deliverables, design,  structure, content, pedagogy,  duration, including number of  term(s), evaluation criteria,  including grading system and  admission eligibility criteria;  
(d) prescribe benchmark standards for  granting permission to universities  or institutions for conducting  habilitation and rehabilitation  programmes and courses;


(e) admit, conduct examination and  award certificate or diploma;
(f) regulate programmes and courses at  universities or institutions granting  recognised qualifications, as per  benchmark standards prescribed by  Regulations;
(g) aid and advise universities and  institutions on fixation of tuition  and other fees and charges to be  charged to students enrolled for  acquiring recognized qualification;
(h) to prescribe fee for grant of  permission to a university or institution for conducting  programmes and courses, and for  other purposes;  
(i) to make the Council financially self sustaining within a period of four  years;
(j) to encourage research and  development in habilitation and  rehabilitation, including adoption of  latest research by professional in  their work and their contribution  thereto;  
(k) maintain separate Registers for  Professional and Personnel;
(l) ensure updation of knowledge and  skills of registered professionals and  personnel and to ascertain such  updation every five years through  an examination, for retention of  name of professionals or personnel  in the respective Registers;
(m) prescribe code of conduct, ethics  and etiquette for professionals  and personnel;
(n) establish an institution of  rehabilitation professionals which  will enrol fellows, members and  associates; and
(o) perform any other function as the  Central Government may assign.

(3)The Council shall consist of the  following members, namely –
(a) A Chairperson from amongst  persons having experience in  administration with professional  qualification in the field of  rehabilitation, disabilities and  special education, to be appointed  by the Central Government.
(b) such number of members not  exceeding seven, as may be  nominated by the Central  Government, to represent the  Ministries of the Central  Government dealing with matters  relating to persons with disabilities.
(c) one member to be appointed by the  Central Govt. to represent the  University Grants Commission
(d) one member to be appointed by the  Central Government to represent the  Directorate General of Indian Council  of Medical Research.
(e) two members to be appointed by  the Central Govt. to represent the  Ministry or department of the states or  the Union territories dealing with  Social Welfare by rotation in  alphabetical order.
(f) such number of members not  exceeding six as may be appointed by  the Central Govt. from amongst the
(3) The Council shall consist of a  Chairperson and Members as under:-
(a) A Chairperson from amongst  persons having experience in  administration of matters  relating to persons with  disabilities or having work or  academic experience in  habilitation and rehabilitation of  persons with disabilities, to be  appointed by the Central  Government;
(b) Eight Members one each  representing Union Ministries of  Health and Family Welfare,  Labour and Employment, Skill  Development and  Entrepreneurship and Women  and Child Development, Union  Departments of Empowerment of  Persons with Disabilities, Higher  Education, School Education and  Literacy, and Niti Aayog;  
(c) Member Secretary, National  Disaster Management Authority  or his nominee;
(d) Financial Advisor of the Union  Ministry dealing with  empowerment of persons with  disabilities or his nominee;
(e) Secretary, University Grants  Commission, or his nominee;
(f) Director General, Indian Council  of Medical Research, or his  nominee;

rehabilitation professionals working in  voluntary organizations.
(g) such number of members not  exceeding four as may be appointed by  the Central Govt. from amongst  medical practitioners enrolled under  the India Medical Council Act, 1956  and engaged in rehabilitation of the  handicapped
(h) three Members of Parliament of  whom two shall be elected by the  House of the People and one by the  Council of States
(i)such number of members not  exceeding three as may be nominated  by the Central Govt. from amongst  the social workers who are actively  engaged in assisting the disabled
(j) the Member-Secretary, ex officio
(g) Director, National Institute of  Mental Health and Neuro  Sciences, Bengaluru or his  nominee;
(h) Director, All India Institute of  Medical Science, Delhi or his  nominee;
(i) Medical Superintendent,  Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi,  or his nominee;
(j) Director, Lady Harding Medical  College, New Delhi or his  nominee;
(k) Chairperson, National Council  for Teachers’ Education or his  nominee;
(l) Director, National Council of  Education, Research and  Training or his nominee;
(m) three members to represent the  Department of the States or the  Union Territories dealing with  empowerment of persons with  disabilities, to be appointed by  the Central Government by  rotation in alphabetical order;
(n) two members from amongst the  Directors of the National  Institutes under the  administrative control of the  Department of Empowerment of  Persons with Disabilities, to be  appointed by the Central  Government by rotation in  alphabetical order;

(4) The office of member of the Board  shall not disqualify its holder for being  chosen as, or for being, a Member of  either House of Parliament.
(o) three Members from amongst  social workers working in  habilitation and rehabilitation of  persons with disabilities, to be  nominated by the Central  Government;
(p) six members from amongst the  professionals included in the  Register or persons having  experience in disability matters,  to be nominated by the Central  Government;
(q) three Members of Parliament of  whom two shall be elected by the  House of the People and one by the  Council of States; and
(r) Member-Secretary, who will serve  as ex-officio Member and  Secretary of the Council.
(4) The Council may have any special  invitee for a meeting, as and when  necessary, as it deems appropriate.
(5) The office of member of the Council shall not disqualify its holder for being  chosen as, or for being, a Member of  either House of Parliament.
(6) No Chairperson under clause (a) of  sub section (3) or no Member under  clauses (o) and (p) under sub section  (3) can be appointed or nominated for  more than one term.
(7) Chairperson and Members including  Member Secretary shall furnish a conflict  of interest statement in the first quarter  of every financial year:  
Provided that in case Chairperson or any  Member has any conflict of interest with  respect to any particular agenda item of a  meeting , he will recuse himself from that  meeting.

4. (1) The Chairperson or a  member shall hold office for a term of  two years from the date of his  appointment or until his successor  shall have been duly appointed,  whichever is longer.
(2) A casual vacancy in the Council  shall be filled in accordance with the  provisions of section 3 and the person  so appointed shall hold office only for  the remainder of the term for which  the member in whose place he was  appointed would have held that office.
(3) The Council shall meet at least  once in each year at such time and  place as may be appointed by the  Council and shall observe such rules  of procedure in the transaction of  business at a meeting as may be  prescribed.  
(4) The Chairperson or, if for any  reason, he is unable to attend the  meeting of the Council, any member  elected by the members present from
4. (1) The Chairperson shall hold  office for a term of three years or  till he attains sixty five years of  age, whichever is earlier.  
(1a) Members appointed under  clauses (m) and (n) of sub-section  (3) of section 3 shall hold office for  a term of two years.  
(1b) Members nominated under  clauses (o) and (p) of sub-section (3)  of section 3 shall hold office for a term of three years or till they  attain sixty five years of age,  whichever is earlier.  
(1c) Elected Members under clause  (q) of sub-Section (3) of Section 3  shall hold office for a term of four  years or until he ceases to be a  Member of Parliament, whichever  is earlier.
(2) No change
(3) The Council shall meet at least  once in every quarter at the  Headquarter of the Council at such  time as may be decided by the  Chairperson, and it shall observe such  rules of procedure in the transaction  of business at the meeting as may be  prescribed by regulation.
(4) No change

amongst themselves at the meeting  shall preside at the meeting.
(5) All questions which come up before  any meeting of the Council shall be  decided by a majority of votes of the  members present and voting and in  the event of an equality of votes, the  Chairperson, or in his absence, the  person presiding shall have a second  or casting vote.
(5) No change
5. No person shall be a member if he-
(a) is, or becomes, of unsound mind or  is so declared by a competent court;  or
(b) is, or has been convicted of any  offence which in the opinion of the  Central Government involves moral  turpitude; or  
(c) is, or at any time has been  adjudicated as insolvent
5. No person shall be the Chairperson  or Member of the Council, if he,-
(a) is, or has been, convicted of an  offence which, in the opinion of  the Central Government,  involves moral turpitude, or
(b) is, or at any time has been,  adjudged insolvent or has  suspended payment of his debts  or has compounded with his  creditors, or
(c) is of unsound mind and stands  so declared by a competent  court, or
(d) is, or at any time has been,  convicted of an offence under  this Act, or
(e) has so abused his position in the  opinion of the Central  Government as a Member so as  to render his continuance in the  office is prejudicial to the  interest of the general public.
6. If a member-
(a) becomes subject to any of the  disqualifications mentioned in section  5; or
(b) is absent without excuse, sufficient  in the opinion of the Council from  three consecutive meetings of the  Council; or
(c) ceases to be enrolled on the Indian
6. If a member-
(a) No change
(b) No change
(c) ceases to be included as

Medical Register in the case of a  member referred to in clause (g) of  sub-section (3) of section 3,
His seat shall thereupon become  vacant.
professional in the  corresponding Register in the  case of a Member under clause  (s) of sub-section (3) of Section 3.
His seat shall thereupon become vacant.
Section 6A
(1) Chairperson of the Council shall  exercise the following role and  functions:
(a) head of the Council and all its  Committees;
(b) presiding over meetings of the  Council and its Committees;
(c) approving the agenda for the  Council and its Committees;
(d) approving record note of  proceedings of the Council  and its Committees subject to  confirmation by the Council  or the Committee, as the case  may be, in its next meeting;
(e) responsible for attaining aims  and purposes of the Council;
(f) responsible for the proper  functioning of the Council  and its Committees;
(g) responsible for making the  Council financially self
sustaining within a period of  four years;
(h) appointing authority for  Group A employees of the  Council;
(i) responsible for overseeing the  work of the Secretariat of the  Council; and
(j) any other work in respect of  the Council.
(2) The post of Chairperson of the  Council shall be equivalent to the  post of Secretary to the  Government of India in status, scale


of pay and other terms and  conditions as applicable.
7. A(1) The Council shall constitute  from amongst its members an  Executive Committee and such other  committees for general or special  purposes as the Council deems  necessary to carry out the purposes of  this Act.  
(2) The Executive Committee shall  consist of the Chairperson who shall  be member ex officio and not less than  seven and not more than ten members  who shall be nominated by the  Council from amongst its members.
(3) The Chairperson shall be the  Chairperson of the Executive  Committee
7. (1) The Council shall constitute  the following Committees, each  consisting of not more than eight of  its Members nominated by the  Council, including Member Secretary  who shall be their ex-officio Member  Secretary, under the Chairperson for  carrying out the purposes of this Act:
(a) Finance Committee;
(b) Technical Committee; and
(c) Administrative Committee:
Provided that the Member  representing the Union Department of  Empowerment of Persons with  Disabilities shall be a member in the  Technical and Administrative  Committees and the Financial Advisor  of the Union Ministry dealing with the  empowerment of persons with  disabilities or his nominee shall be a  member in the Finance Committee:
Provided further that no nominated or  elected Member can be a member of  more than one Committee.
(2) The above Committees may have  any special invitee, as and when  necessary, as decided by the  Chairperson.
(3) The Committees referred to under  sub-section (2) shall perform functions  specified against each, hereinunder:-
(1) The Finance Committee:-
(a) all matters relating to preparation of annual budget;
(b) all matters relating to revenue  generation and capital expenditure; (c) all matters relating to charge of


fee for recognition of programmes  and courses, registration of  professional and personnel,  admission to programmes and  courses and examination etc;
(d) all matters relating to tuition  and other fees and charges to be  charged to students by the  University or Institution;
(e) all matters relating to making  the Council financially self  sustaining within a period of four  years;
(f) all matters relating to annual  accounts;
(g) all matters relating to audit of  accounts;  
(h) all matters relating to periodic  internal audit; and
(i) any other function connected  with the above matters.
(2) The Technical Committee:
(a) all matters relating to assessment  of demand for professionals and  personnel;
(b) all matters relating to mapping  and benchmarking of programmes  and courses;
(c) all matters relating to  formulation of programme and  course objectives, deliverables,  design, content, pedagogy, duration  including number of term(s),  evaluation criteria including grading  system and admission eligibility  criteria;
(d) all matters relating to  benchmarking of standards for  recognizing programmes and  courses;  
(e) all matters relating to updation of  knowledge and skills of registered  professionals and personnel and

(4) In addition to the powers and  duties conferred and imposed upon it  by this Act, the Executive Committee  or any other committee shall exercise  and discharge such powers and duties  as the Council may confer or impose  upon it by any regulations which may  be made in this behalf.
ascertaining such updation every  five years through an examination;
(f) all matters relating to research  and development in habilitation and  rehabilitation, including adoption of  latest research by professional in  their work and their contribution  thereto;  
(g) all matters relating to institution  of professionals and personnel; and (h) any other functions connected  with the above matters.
(3) The Administrative Committee: (a)all matters relating to formulation  of code of conduct, ethics and  etiquette for professionals and  personnel;
(b) all matters relating to  appointment of inspectors for  inspection of universities or  institution conducting recognized  programmes and courses;  
(c) all matters relating to recognition  and de-recognition of programmes or  courses at a university or  institution;
 (d) registration and deregistration of  professionals and personnel and entry  of their names in separate Registers;
(e) all matters relating to Annual  Report;  
(f) all matters relating to  international cooperation; and  (g)any other function connected with  the above matters.
(4) The Committees at sub-section (1)  shall take decisions on matters  mentioned against each of them:
Provided that such decisions taken by  the Committees are placed before the  Council in its next meeting.


8. (1) The Central Government  shall appoint the Member secretary of  the Council to exercise such powers  and perform such duties under the  direction of the Council as may be  prescribed or as may be delegated to  him by the Chairperson.
(2) The Council shall, with the  previous sanction of the Central  Government employ such officers and  other employees as it deems necessary  to carry out the purpose of this Act.
(3) The Council shall with the previous  sanction of the Central Government fix  the allowance to be paid to the  Chairperson and other members and  determine the conditions of service of  the Member Secretary, officers and  other employees of the Council.
8. (1) The Central Government shall  appoint Member Secretary who shall  exercise the following role and  functions:  
(i) Member Secretary of the Council  and its Committees;
(ii) Administrative head of the  secretariat of the Council;
(iii) authorized signatory of the  Council for all administrative and legal  matters, including award of contracts,  signing of Memorandum of  Understandings, Agreements etc.;
(iv) custodian of all properties of the  Council;
(v) custodian of the Registers;
(vi) exercise powers for revenue  expenditure, and items of capital  expenditure, approved by the Finance  Committee;
(vii) appointing authority for  employees of the Council up to the  level of Group B; and
(viii) any other function connected  with the above.
(2) The Central Government shall  approve the sanctioned strength of  officers and other employees of the  Council.
(3) The Members shall be paid sitting  fee as may be prescribed.
(4) The terms and conditions of service  of the Member Secretary, officers and  other employees of the Council shall  be such as may be prescribed.
9. No act or proceedings of the  Council or any committee thereof
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shall be called in question on the  ground merely of the existence of any  vacancy in, or any defect in the  constitution of the Council or a  committee thereof as the case may be.

10. (1) On and from the date of the  constitution of the Council, the  Rehabilitation Council shall stand  dissolved and on such dissolution-
(a) all properties and assets, movable  and immovable of or belonging to the  Rehabilitation Council shall vest in the  council
(b) all the rights and liabilities of the  Rehabilitation Council shall be  transferred to, and be the rights and  liabilities of the Council.  
(c) without prejudice to the provisions  of clause (b) all liabilities incurred, all  contracts entered into on all matters  and things engaged to be done by,  with or for the Rehabilitation Council  immediately before that date, for or in  connection with the purposes of the  said Rehabilitation Council shall be  deemed to have been incurred, entered  into, or engaged to be done by with or  for the Council.
(d) all sums of money due to the  Rehabilitation Council immediately  before that date shall be deemed to be  due to the Council
(e) All suits and other legal  proceedings instituted or which could  have been instituted by or against the  rehabilitation Council immediately  before that date may be continued or  may be instituted by or against the  Council; and
(f) Every employee holding any office  under the Rehabilitation Council immediately before that date shall  hold his office in the Council by same  tenure and upon the same terms and  conditions of services as respects
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remuneration , leave, provident fund,  retirement and other terminal benefits  as he would have shall continue to do  so as an employee of the Council or  until the expiry of a period of six  months from that date if such  employee opts not be the employee of  the Council within such period.
(2) Notwithstanding anything  contained in the Industrial Disputes  Act, 1947 or any other law for the time  being in force, absorption of any  employee by the Council in its regular  service under this section shall not  entitle such employee to any  compensation under that Act or other  law and no such claim shall be  entertained by any court, tribunal or  other authority.
Explanation – In this section,  ―Rehabilitation Council‖ means the  Rehabilitation Council, a society  formed and registered under the  Societies Registration Act, 1860 and  functioning as such immediately  before the constitution of the Council.

11. (1) The qualifications granted by  any University or other institutions in  India which are included in the  Schedule shall be recognized  qualifications for rehabilitation  professionals.
(2) Any University or other institution which grants qualifications for  rehabilitation professionals not  included in the Schedule may apply to  the Central Government to have any  such qualification recognized and the  Central Government after consulting  the Council may by notification,  amend the Schedule so as to include  such qualification therein and any  such notification may also direct that  an entry shall be made in the last
11.(1) The qualifications granted by  any University or other institutions in  India shall be recognized qualifications  for professionals and personnel as  entered in the List maintained by the  Council.
(2) Member Secretary shall update the  List and submit it to the Council  during the first quarter of every  financial year.  
(3) Any University or institution which  grants qualification(s) for professionals  and personnel not included in the List  may apply to the Member Secretary to  have such qualification(s) recognized  for inclusion in the List:

column of the Schedule against such  qualification only when granted after a  specified date.
Provided that such University or  institution meets the prescribed  benchmark standards and the  programme or course objectives,  deliverables, design, content,  pedagogy, duration, including number  of term(s), evaluation criteria,  including grading system and  admission eligibility criteria.
12.The Council may enter into  negotiations with the authority in any  country outside India for setting up of  a scheme of reciprocity for the  recognition of qualifications and in  pursuance of any such scheme, the  Central Govt. may, by notification,  amend the Schedule so as to include  therein any qualification which the  Council has decided should be  recognized, and by such notification  may also direct that an entry shall be  made in the last column of the  Schedule declaring that it shall be the  recognized qualification only when  granted after a specific date.
12. (1) The Council may enter into  negotiations with any University or  institution in any country outside  India for instituting a mechanism of  reciprocity for recognition of  qualifications, with the prior approval  of the Central Government.
(2) In pursuance of the mechanism  under sub section (1) the Council may  include such qualification(s) in the  List, with the prior approval of the  Central Government.
13. (1) Subject to the other provision  contained in this Act, any  qualification included in the  Schedule shall be sufficient  qualification for enrolment on the  Register.
(2). No person, other than the  rehabilitation professional who  possesses a recognized rehabilitation  qualification and is enrolled on the  Register,--
(a). shall hold office as rehabilitation  professional or any such office (by  whatever designation called) in
(1) Subject to other provisions  contained in this Act, any person  having recognised qualification shall  be eligible to have his name entered in  the respective Register.
(2) No person other than professional  or personnel who is included in the  Registers,--
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No change

Government or in any institution  maintained by a local or other  authority;
(b). shall practice as rehabilitation  professional anywhere in India; c). shall be entitled to sign or  authenticate any certificate required  by any law to be signed or  authenticated by a rehabilitation  professional;
d). shall be entitled to give any  evidence in any court as an expert  under section 45 of the Indian  Evidence Act, 1872 on any matter  relating to the handicapped:  
Provided that if a person possesses the  recognized rehabilitation professional/  personnel qualifications on the date of  commencement of this Act, he shall be  deemed to be an enrolled  rehabilitation professional/ personnel  for a period of six months from such  commencement, and if he has made  an application for enrolment on the  Register within said period of six  months, till such application is  disposed of.
2A. Notwithstanding anything  contained in sub-section (2), any  person being a doctor or a paramedic  in the field of physical medicine and  rehabilitation, orthopaedics, ear, nose  or throat (ENT), ophthalmology or  psychiatry, employed or working in  any hospital or establishment owned  or controlled by the Centre  Government or a State Government or  any other body funded by the Central  or a State Government and notified by  the Central Government, may  discharge the functions referred to in  clause (a) to (d) of that sub-section.
No change
(d) shall be entitled to give evidence in  any court as an expert under section 45  of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 on any  matter relating to aperson with  disability:  
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No change

(3) Any person who acts in  contravention of any provision of  subsection (2) shall be punished with  imprisonment for a term which may  extend to one year, or with fine which  may extend to one thousand rupees,  or with both.
(3) Any person who acts in  contravention of any provision of  subsection (2), shall be punished  with imprisonment for a term  which may extend to one year,  or fine which may extend to fifty  thousand rupees, or with both:
Provided the Council or any  other person files a civil suit  before an appropriate of Court of  Law or registers a first  information report in the police  station, having jurisdiction.
14. Every University or institution  in India which grants a recognized  qualification shall furnish such  information as the Council may, from  time to time, require as to the courses  of study and examinations to be  undergone in order to obtain such  qualification, as to the ages at which  such courses of study and  examinations are required to be  undergone and such qualification is  conferred and generally as to the  requisites for obtaining such  qualification.
14. Every University or institution  which grants a recognized  qualification shall furnish such  information from time to time to the  Council or its Committees as  prescribed by regulation, failing which  the University or Institution shall be  liable for de-recognisation for  conducting programmes and courses.
15 (1). The Council shall appoint such  number of Inspectors as it may deem  requisite to inspect any University or  institution where education for  practicing as rehabilitation  professionals is given or to attend any  examination held by any university or  institute for the purposes of  recommending to the Central Govt.  recognition of qualifications granted  by that university or institution as  recognized rehabilitation  qualifications.  
(2) The inspectors appointed under  sub-section (1) shall not interfere with  the conduct of any training or  examination but shall report to the
(1) The Administrative Committee  shall appoint Inspectors as deemed  necessary to inspect any University or  institution for the purpose of  recognition or renewal of recognition  of programmes or courses to be  conducted therein.
Provided that no Member of the  Council shall be eligible for  appointment as Inspector.  
(2) The inspectors appointed by the  Administrative Committee shall  submit a report whether the  programme or course and institutional

Council on the adequacy of the  standards of education including staff,  equipment accommodation, training  and other facilities prescribed for  giving such education or of the  sufficiency of every examination which  they attend.
(3) The Council shall forward a copy of  the report of the Inspector under sub section 2) to the University or  institution concerned and shall also  forward a copy with the remarks of the  university or the institution thereon,  to the Central Government.
facilities or any other relevant matter  meet the benchmark standards, in  such manner as may be prescribed by  regulation.
(3) In case the Administrative  Committee decides to derecognize a  recognised qualification, it shall  provide a reasonable opportunity to  the concerned University or  Institution of being heard in the  matter.
(4) Any University or institution, if  aggrieved with the decision of the  Administrative Committee, may  appeal to the Council in such manner  as may be prescribed by regulation
(5) The students displaced as a result  of de-recognition of a recognised  qualification shall to the extent  practicable and feasible be adjusted in  any university or institution(s)  granting such recognized qualification  by creating supernumerary seats on  the recommendation of the Member  Secretary
16 (1) The Council may appoint such  number of visitors as it may deem  requisite to inspect any University or institution wherein education for  rehabilitation professionals is given or  attend any examination for the  purpose of granting recognized  rehabilitation qualification
(2) Any person, whether he is a  member of the Council or not, may be  appointed as a Visitor under sub section (1) but a person who is  appointed as an Inspector under sub

section(1) of section 15 for any  inspection or examination shall not be  appointed as a Visitor for the same  inspection or examination.  
(3) The Visitor shall not interfere with  the conduct of any training or  examination but shall report to the  Chairperson on the adequacy of the  standards of education including staff,  equipment, accommodation, training  and other facilities prescribed for  giving education to the rehabilitation  professional or on sufficiency of every  examination which they attend.
(4) The report of a Visitor shall  be treated as confidential unless in  any particular case the Chairperson  otherwise, directs:
Provided that if the Central  Govt. requires a copy o the report of a  Visitor, the Council shall furnish the  same

17. (1) When upon report by the  Inspector or the Visitor it appears to  the Council—
(a) that the courses of study and  examination to be undergone or the  proficiency required from candidates  at any examination held by any  University or institution or
(b) that the staff, equipment,  accommodation training and other  facilities for instruction and training  provided in such University or  institution,
Do not conform to the standards  prescribed by the Council; the Council  shall make a representation to that  effect to the Central Govt.
(2) After considering such  representation, the Central Govt. may  send it to the university or institution  with an intimation of the period within

which the university or institution  may submit it’s explanation to that  Govt.
(3) On the receipt of the explanation or  where no explanation is submitted  within the period fixed then, on the  expiry of that period , the Central  Govt. after making such further  inquiry, if any, as it may think fit,  may, by notification, direct that an  entry shall be made in the Schedule  against the said recognized  rehabilitation qualification declaring  that is shall be the recognized  rehabilitation qualification only when  granted before a specified date or that  the said recognized rehabilitation  qualification if granted to students of a  specified University or institution shall  be recognized rehabilitation  qualification only when granted before  a specified date, or as the case may  be, that the said recognized  rehabilitation qualification shall be a  recognized rehabilitation qualification  in relation to a specified University or  institution only when granted after a  specified date.

18. The Council may prescribe the  minimum standards of education  required for granting recognized  rehabilitation qualification by  University or institution in India.
19. The Member-Secretary of the  Council may, on receipt of an  application made by any person in the  prescribed manner, enter his name in  the Register provided that the  Member-Secretary is satisfied that  such person possesses the recognized  rehabilitation qualification.
―Provided that the Council shall  register vocational instructors and  other personnel working in the
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No change

vocational rehabilitation centres under  the Minister of Labour on  recommendation of that Ministry and  recognise the vocational rehabilitation  centres as manpower development  centres:
Provided further that the Council shall  register personnel working in national  institutes and apex institutions on  disability under the Ministry of Social  Justice and Empowerment on  recommendation of that Ministry and  recognise the national institutes and  apex institutions on disability as  manpower development centres‖.
No change
20. Subject to the conditions and  restrictions laid down in this Act  regarding engagement in the area of  rehabilitation of the disabled by  persons possessing the recognized  rehabilitation qualifications, every  person whose name is for the time  being borne on the Central Register  shall be entitled to practice as a  rehabilitation professional in any part  of India and to recover in due course  of law in respect of such practice any  expenses, charges in respect of  medicaments or other appliances or  any fees to which he may be entitled
Subject to the conditions and restrictions  laid down in this Act regarding  engagement in habilitation and  rehabilitation of persons with  disabilities possessing the recognized  qualifications, every person whose name  is entered in the Registers shall be  entitled to practice as professional or  personnel in any part of India and to  recover in due course of law in respect of  such practice any expenses, charges in  respect of medicaments or other  appliances or any fees to which he may  be entitled.
21. (1) the Council may prescribe  standards of professional conduct and  etiquette and a code of ethics for  rehabilitation professionals.
(2) Regulation made by the Council  under sub-section (1) may specify  which violation thereof shall constitute  infamous conduct in any professional  respect, that is to say, professional  misconduct and such provision shall  have effect notwithstanding anything  contained in any another law.  
(3) the Council may order that the
(1) Delete
(2) Regulation made by the Council  under clause (m) of sub-section (1) of  Section 3A may specify which  violation thereof shall constitute  professional misconduct and such  provision shall have effect  notwithstanding anything contained in  any another law.  
(3) the Member Secretary may order

name of any person shall be removed  from the Register where it is satisfied,  after giving that person a reasonable  opportunity of being heard and after  such further inquiry if any, as it may  deem fit to make,--
(i) that his name has been entered in  the Register by error or on account of  misrepresentation or suppression of a  material fact;
(ii) that he has been convicted of any  offence or had been guilty of any  infamous conduct in any professional  respect, or had violated the standards  of professional conduct and etiquette  or the code of ethics prescribed under  sub-section (1) which, in the opinion  of the Council, renders him unfit to be  kept in the Register.
(4) An order under sub-section (3) may  direct that any person whose name is  ordered to be removed from the  Register shall be ineligible for  registration under this Act either  permanently for such period of years  as may be specified.
the name of any person shall be  removed from the Register where it is  satisfied, after giving that person a  reasonable opportunity of being heard  and after such further inquiry if any,  as it may deem fit to make,-
(i) No change
(ii) that he has been convicted of any  offence or had been guilty of any  infamous conduct in any professional  respect, or had violated the standards of  professional conduct and etiquette or the  code of ethics prescribed under sub
section (1) which, in the opinion of the  Member Secretary, renders him unfit to  be kept in the Register.
(4) An order under sub-section (3) may  direct that any person whose name is  ordered to be removed from the Register  shall be ineligible for registration under  this Act either permanently for such  period of years as may be specified by  regulation.
22. (1) where the name of any  person has been removed from the  Register on any ground other that that  he is not possessed of the requisite  rehabilitation qualifications, he may  appeal, in the prescribed manner and  subject to such conditions, including  conditions as to the payment of a fee;  as may be prescribed to the Central  Government whose decision thereon  shall be final.
(2) No appeal under sub-section (1) shall be admitted if it is preferred after  the expiry of a period of the sixty days  from the date of the order under sub section (3) of section 21:
22. (1) where the name of any person  has been removed from the Register  on any ground other that he is not  possessed of the requisite  rehabilitation qualifications, he may  appeal, in such manner and subject to  such conditions, including conditions  as to the payment of a fee; as may be  prescribed by regulation, to the  Council whose decision thereon shall  be final.
(2) Delete

23. (1) It shall be the duty of the  Member-Secretary to keep and  maintain the Register in accordance  with the provision of this Act and any  order made by the Council and from  time to time to revise the Register and  publish it in the Official Gazette.
(2) The Register shall be deemed to be  a public document within the meaning  of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 and  may be proved by a copy thereof.
23. (1) It shall be the duty of the Member Secretary to keep and maintain the  Registers in accordance with the  provision of this Act and any order made  by the Council or the Administrative  Committee and from time to time to  revise the Register.
(2) No change
(3) The Member Secretary shall submit  the Registers to the Council in all its  meetings.
24. (1) The Council shall furnish  such reports, copies of its minutes,  abstracts of its accounts, and other  information to the Central Govt. as  that Govt. may require.
(2) The Central Govt. may publish in  such manner as it may think fit, any  report, and copy, abstract or other  information furnished to it by the  Council under this section or under  section 16.
No change
(2) The Central Govt. may publish in  such manner as it may think fit, any  report, and copy, abstract or other  information furnished to it by the  Council under this section.
25. Notwithstanding anything  contained in the Code of Criminal  Procedure, 1973 no court shall take  cognizance of an offence punishable  under this Act except upon a  complaint, in writing, made by any  person authorised in this behalf by the  Council.
No change
26. No suit, prosecution or other  legal proceeding shall lie against the  Central Govt. Council, Chairperson,  members, Member-Secretary or any  officer or the other employees of the  Council for anything which is in  good faith done or intended to be  done under this Act.
No change
New Section 26A


The Council is restrained from filing  any legal proceedings against the  Central Government in any matter
27. The Chairperson, members,  Member-Secretary, officers and  other employees of the Council  shall, while acting or purposing to  act in pursuance of the provisions  of this Act or of any rule and  regulation made there under, be  deemed to be public servants  within the meaning of section 21 of  the Indian Penal Code.
No change
New Section 27A
Notwithstanding anything contained  in this Act, the Central Government  can direct the Council to take action  or refrain from taking action in any  matter, which shall be binding on the  Council
New Section 27B
The Universities or Institutions  already conducting recognized  programmes and courses for  professionals shall switch over to the  term and grading system within a  period of five years from the  enactment of this Act.
New Section 27C
The Central Government shall cause  the annual report of the Council to be  laid before each House of Parliament.
28. The Central Govt. shall, by  notification, make rules to carry out  the purposes of this Act.
28. The Central Government shall, by  notification, make rules to carry out  the purposes of this Act and without  prejudice to the generality of the  foregoing power, such rules may  provide for:
(a) sitting fee of Members under sub section (3) of section 8.
(b) terms and conditions of service of


Member Secretary and other officers  and employees of the Council under  sub-section (4) of section 8;
(c) any other matter deemed necessary.
29. The Council may, with the  previous sanction of the Central Govt.,  make, by notification, regulations  generally to carry out the purposes  and functions of this Act, and without  prejudice to the generality of the  foregoing power, such regulations may  provide for—
(a) the management of the property of  the Council;
(b) the maintenance and audit of the  accounts of the Council;
(c) the resignation of members of the  Council;
(d) the powers and duties of the  Chairperson;
(e) the rules of procedure in the  transaction of business under sub section (3) of section 4;
(f) the function of the Committee and  other committees, constituted under  section 7;
(g) the powers and duties of the  Member-Secretary under sub-section  (1) of section 8;
(h) the qualification appointment,  powers and duties of, and procedure  to be followed by, Inspectors and  Visitors;
(i) the courses and period of study or  of training to be undertaken, the  subjects of examinations and  standards of proficiency therein to be  obtained in any University or any  institution for grant of recognized  rehabilitation qualification
(j) the standard of staff, equipment,  accommodation, training and other  facilities for study or training of the  rehabilitation professional;
29.Subject to the provisions to the Act  and Rules made thereunder, the Council  may, with the previous sanction of the  Central Govt., make regulations to carry  out the purposes of this Act to provide  for—
No change
No change
Delete from here and include under rule (d) Delete
(e) No change
(f) Delete
(g) Delete
(h) the qualification for appointment,  powers and duties of, and procedure to  be followed by Inspectors.
(i)No change
(j)No change

(k) the conduct of examinations,  qualifications of examiners, and the  condition of the admission to such  examinations;
(l) the standard of professional  conduct and etiquette and code of  ethics to be observed by rehabilitation  professionals under sub-section (1) of  section 21;
(m) the particulars to be stated, and  proof of qualifications to be given, in  application for registration under this  Act;
(n) the manner in which and the  conditions subject to which an appeal  may be preferred under sub-section  (1) of section 22;
(o) the fees to be paid on applications  and appeals under this Act;
(p) any other matter which is to be , or  may be, prescribed.
(k)No change
(l) Code of conduct, ethics and  etiquette for professional and personal  under clause (n) of sub-section (1) of  section 3A.
(m) Benchmark standards for granting  permission to Universities or  institutions for conducting  programmes and courses on  recognised qualifications under clause  (d) of sub-section (1) of section 3A.
(n) the manner of reporting of  inspection of institution/University by  the inspectors under sub-section (2) of  Section 15.
(o) the manner of appealing against the  decision of the administrative  committee regarding de-recognition of  a recognised qualification under sub
section (4) of Section 15
(p) fees for grant of permission to  university/institution for conducting a  recognised qualification, registration  of professional or personnel in the
registers under clause (h) sub-section  (2) of Section 3A.
(q) the manner of maintaining separate  registers for professionals and  personnel undersub-section (1) of  Section 23
(r) the manner of appeal against the  decision of the member sectary  regarding de-registration from the


registers undersub-section (1) of  Section 22.
(s) any other matter
30. Every rule and every regulation  made under this Act shall be laid as  soon as may be after it is made, before  each house of parliament. While it is  in session, for a total period of thirty  days which may be comprised in one  session or in two or more successive  sessions, and if, before the expiry of  the session immediately following the  session or the successive sessions  aforesaid, both houses agree in  making any modification in the rule or  regulation, or both House agree that  the rule or regulation should not be  made, the rule or regulation shall  thereafter have effect only in such  modified form or be of no effect, as the  case may be; so, however, that any  such modification or annulment shall  be without prejudice to the validity of  anything previously done under that  rule or regulation.
No change

(Refer Clause (n) of Section 2)
i. Clinical Psychologist
ii. Psychologist
iii. Rehabilitation Psychologist
iv. Counseling Psychologist
v. Behavioral Science Counselor
vi. Psychiatric Assistant
vii. Psychiatric Nurse
viii. Psychiatric Social Worker.
ix. Social Worker
x. Rehabilitation Counselor
xi. Vocational Counselors
xii. Rehabilitation Social Worker  
xiii. Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist
xiv. Audiologist
xv. Speech-Language Pathologist
xvii. Optometrist and Orthoptist
xviii. Orientation and Mobility Assistant  
xix. Prosthetist and Orthotist.
xx. Physiotherapist or Physical Therapist
xxi. Occupational Therapist
xxii. Respiratory Therapist  
xxiii. Recreation Therapist  
xxiv. Performing Arts Therapist
xxv. Fine Arts Therapist
xxvi. Yoga Therapist
xxvii. Special Educator for imparting knowledge and skills to persons with  disabilities.
xxviii. Inclusive Educator
xxix. Braille Teacher
xxx. Sign Language Interpreter
xxxi. Rehabilitation Manager.
xxxii. Rehabilitation Nurse
xxxiii. Rehabilitation Dietician
xvii. Any other category of professionals as may be notified by the Central  Government.
professional is one who has acquired a minimum of bachelors’ degree or  above in any recognised qualification or is an associate member of the  Institution of Rehabilitation Professionals.
(Refer Clause (o) of Section 2)
i. Psychiatric Assistant
ii. Speech & Hearing Assistant
iii. Hearing Aid and Ear Mould Assistant
iv. Prosthetic and Orthotic Assistant
v. Physiotherapist Assistant or Physical Therapist Assistant  vi. Physiatrist Assistant  
vii. Occupational Therapist Assistant
viii. Respiratory Therapist  
ix. Recreation Therapist  
x. Performing Arts Therapist
xi. Fine Arts Therapist
xii. Yoga Therapist
xiii. Special Educator for imparting knowledge and skills to persons with  disabilities.
xiv. Inclusive Educator
    xv. Braille Teacher
xvi. Sign Language Interpreter
xvii. Community Based Rehabilitation Professional.
xviii. Community Based Rehabilitation Assistant.
xix. Rehabilitation Care- Giver
xx. Any other category of personnel as may be notified by the Central  Government.
personnel is one who has acquired a diploma or certificate in any  recognised qualification.

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